Various Projects - Nuspan Flooring

Project Details

Project - Various Projects

Sector - Commercial

Technology - Concrete

Company - Nuspan Flooring

Project Overview:

Nuspan Flooring’s offsite alternative to block and beam offers high-performance, primary, structural, insulated closed floor panels for suspended ground floors. The units comprise structuralgrade reinforced concrete bonded to high-performance expanded polystyrene (EPS), offering an uplift in build speed of 500%, a saving of up to 83% in onsite labour and an elimination of onsite waste. They can achieve U-values as low as 0.10 W/m2K, already meeting Future Homes Standard Part L requirements.

Nuspan Flooring provides a high-performance, precast, insulated flooring system for the construction of suspended ground floors in new build housing and small-scale commercial buildings. With an uplift in build speed of up to 500%, a labour saving of up to 83%, and a total elimination of onsite waste, Nuspan’s offsite system has become a nationwide leading modern method of construction (MMC).

As an offsite alternative to block and beam, Nuspan’s insulated precast concrete units (IPCU) comprise structural-grade reinforced concrete bonded to high-performance
expanded polystyrene (EPS). They can achieve U-values as low as 0.10 W/m2K, so offer a thermally efficient solution which already meets Future Homes Standard Part L legislation. Incorporating Design for Manufacture and Assembly (DfMA) principles and digital integration allows for standardisation and repeatability. This acts as an enabler for housebuilders to work towards meeting various industry drives towards innovation, including targets set by the Construction Leadership Council, the MHCLG’s Modern Methods of Construction Report, and both the government’s Construction Sector Deal and their Industrial Strategy / Construction 2025 policy.

Nuspan’s units offer significant betterments in terms of time, labour and cost when compared to traditional methods such as block and beam. While one team can expect to build one plot per day using traditional methods, the same team can build six plots using Nuspan’s system. This equates to a 500% uplift in build speed and a reduction in labour of 83%, which helps to address the industry’s labour shortage.

In addition, the detailed design work also allows Nuspan’s production teams to manufacture each floor offsite, bespoke to housebuilders’ requirements. This includes custom sizing, placement of service openings, and the ability to create floors for bay windows, where required. The result is zero onsite waste, because there is no excess and no need for cutting onsite, while traditional construction projects allow for 10-15% waste. Not only does this offer a more environmentally responsible option, it also eliminates the extra time and cost typically associated with waste disposal.

Even during the production process, manufacturing waste from the EPS, steel and concrete elements are re-used in the factory which operates a circular economy. Nuspan’s floors also bring improvements to health and safety. Offsite production and efficient material usage means that less manual handling is required, and fewer vehicles needed for delivery. This poses a lower risk of accidents, lower carbon emissions from site traffic, and less noise pollution for installers and surrounding residents.