Heat3 - HEAT³ Easypack™ for modules transportation and storage protection

Project Details

Project - HEAT³ Easypack™ for modules transportation and storage protection

Sector - Commerical

Company - Heat3   


Project Overview


HEAT³ EasyPack™, used also by UK construction companies, is a custom-made shrink wrap bag for modules transportation and storage, that minimises significantly time used for packaging modular units offsite and unpacking onsite. Perfectly fitting recyclable bags help to minimise in factories modules packaging waste up to zero. HEAT³ EasyPack™ is a way to standardise construction modules packaging procedures with minimum amount of labour.

The main value-creating properties of HEAT³ EasyPack™ heat shrinkable bags are packing speed and quality increase, standardisation of packing procedures, and environmental savings.

Find further information on Heat3 on their website: www.heat3.eu